Your dashboard gives you the ability to take direct actions on your SIMs while referencing the most important information you need for troubleshooting. We provide as much control in your dashboard as our API provides so that you can take any actions you need regardless of which tool you use. You can take actions on a single SIM by clicking into the device's page, or from a SIM's details page. Most actions you can take on a SIM are also available as bulk actions from the SIMs pages.
What actions can I take from a SIM's details page?
Nearly every action* you can take on a single SIM can be found in the page header.
* As we migrate to our improved SIMs pages, some actions are still only available on the Devices pages. These actions are marked with a "*" below, and with an arrow icon (→) in your dashboard. Visit the Device's page by clicking the blue banner at the top of the SIMs page, or any action linked with the arrow icon.
We are continuing to improve your dashboard and the SIM management experience, and will eventually move all this functionality to the SIM’s details page.
The SIM is active and able to use data
- Rename a SIM by clicking on the name in the header.
- Add, update, or remove tags by clicking tags in the header.
The Manage SIM menu shows all other actions you can take on your SIM.
- Pause or resume data usage to limit a SIM’s ability to use any data.
- Switch profiles to force a Hyper SIM with multiple installed profiles and backup protection enabled to switch enabled profiles.
- Send an SMS or cloud message to SIM
- * Simulate a message from a SIM to the REST API
- Change the SIM’s data plan
- * Set a data usage alert to be notified when a SIM reaches a certain amount of data usage. Currently only available on the Device page, and limited to contracted accounts. Contact our sales team for more information.
- Set a data usage limit
- * Manage device tunneling to enable or disable Spacebridge access.
- Transfer a SIM to a different organization
- Deactivate a SIM permanently remove it from the Hologram network, stop all charges, and prevent it from being reactivated.
Other actions you can take on a single SIM:
- * Purchase a phone number on the Data plan tab, if available for the SIM in your region.
- Manage webhooks and view the device's key from the Webhooks tab.
- Create and view routes from the Routes tab, if your account has access to Routes.
The SIM is configured with pre-deployment testing
SIMs configured with pre-deployment testing have different available actions:
- * End testing and activate the SIM to end test mode early and begin using data on a data plan.
- Pause and resume data usage is not available for SIMs in testing.
- Deactivation is not available for SIMs in testing.
The SIM is deactivated
You can rename or manage tags on deactivated SIMs, but there are no other actions that can be taken since they are no longer active on the Hologram network.
What actions can I take on a single device's page?
Legacy functionality
We plan to sunset and remove the Devices pages from the Hologram Dashboard in early 2025. We will be turning off these pages once all SIM actions, Connected statuses, and SMS counts are available in the SIMs pages.
The SIM is active and able to use data
- Rename a SIM by clicking on the name in the header.
- Add, update, or remove tags by clicking tags in the header.
- Pause or resume data usage to limit a SIM’s ability to use any data using the button in the header.
- Send an SMS or cloud message to SIM from the Messaging tab.
- Simulate a message from a SIM to the REST API from the Messaging tab.
- Change the SIM’s data plan from the Data plan tab.
- Set a data usage alert to be notified when a SIM reaches a certain amount of data usage. Found on the Data usage limits tab and limited to contracted accounts. Contact our sales team for more information.
- Set a data usage limit from either the Data usage limits or Data plan tab, depending on your account.
- Manage device tunneling to enable or disable Spacebridge access from the Secure tunneling tab.
- Purchase a phone number on the Data plan tab, if available for the SIM in your region.
- Create and view routes from the Routes tab, if your account has access to Routes.
- Manage webhooks and view the device's key from the Webhooks tab.
- Deactivate a SIM permanently remove it from the Hologram network, stop all charges, and prevent it from being reactivated. Found at the bottom of the Data plan tab.
The SIM is configured with pre-deployment testing
Most of the actions for active SIMs are available for SIMs configured with pre-deployment testing, with some specific changes:
- End testing and activate the SIM to end test mode early and begin using data on a data plan from the Data Plan tab.
- Pause and resume data usage is not available for SIMs in testing.
- Deactivation is not available for SIMs in testing.
The SIM is deactivated
You can rename or manage tags on deactivated SIMs, but there are no other actions that can be taken since they are no longer active on the Hologram network.