View SIM details and recent activity

Clicking into a SIM from the SIMs section of your dashboard takes you to the SIM details page. Here you can find all the information we have about a SIM: how it’s configured, its recent behavior, connectivity details, and all the actions you can take on that SIM. This is also the first place you should turn when troubleshooting a SIM.

Read more about the actions you can take on a single SIM.

SIM details page header

Find the most commonly referenced details and IDs for a SIM, and all actions that can be taken on it, at the top of the page.

Field descriptions

  • Name – Name of the SIM. Click to rename.
  • Tags – Tags applied to this SIM. Click to manage tags.
  • Manage SIM button – All available actions that can be taken on this SIM through your dashboard. Read more
  • Enabled profile ICCID – The name and ICCID of the connectivity profile that is enabled and currently able to use data on this SIM. Click to visit the Profiles tab.
  • Data usage – Total data usage for the SIM’s current billing period. The SIM’s unique 30-day billing period for prepaid organizations, month-to-date for postpaid organizations, and lifetime usage for SIMs in pre-deployment testing.
  • Included data – The amount of data included in your chosen data plan, and the SIM's data usage limit if set.
  • SIM ID – Hologram’s unique ID for this SIM card.
  • Last known IMEI – IMEI of the last device this SIM connected through, if provided by the carrier and network.

Status tab

An overview of the SIM’s current connectivity, last known session, status, and data usage.

Status card

An overview of the last known connection, and last closed session information for a SIM. It displays a path of connectivity from a Hologram SIM, through your device, through a network via a session, to explain how we understand the SIM’s current status.

Field descriptions

  • SIM Status – The SIM’s current status and description.
  • Last seen – A relative time since the SIM’s last closed session. This matches the Last active column in the SIMs pages.
  • Data usage – Summarizes total data usage for the last closed session
  • Type – Displays only for reporting windows for carriers that return timed blocks of data usage to us rather than individual sessions.
  • Start and end time, and duration – UTC timestamps of the last closed session
  • Network – The cellular network the SIM last connected to in a data session.
  • RAT – Radio Access Technology by which data was sent in the last closed session (e.g. 3G, 4G LTE)
  • Country – Country in which the last closed session occured.
  • Tower location – Approximate crowdsourced lat/long of the cell tower the SIM connected to, if available
  • Cell tower ID – ID of the network cell tower the SIM connected to, if provided by a network
  • Map – Map of the lat/long of the last known connection if known. Click to view in Google Maps.
  • Required APN – APN(s) required for device configuration, as determined by the SIM’s installed profiles.
  • Last known IMEI – IMEI of the last known device associated with the SIM, if available and provided by a network
  • Enabled profile – The name and ICCID of the currently enabled connectivity profile a SIM can use data through
  • Public IP address – The static IP address of the SIM, if a static IP has been assigned and saved.
  • State – The network state of the enabled profile as understood by the REST API

Usage this billing period card

An overview of the data usage for the SIM’s current billing period.

If your account uses prepaid self-service billing, SIMs use data and are billed on a 30-day billing period beginning when the SIM was activated. If your account uses invoiced monthly billing, SIMs use data and are billed monthly. Data plan included data and data limits always apply to each SIM’s unique 30-day billing period.

Important: This card is currently missing sent outbound SMS counts. We plan to add this data soon.

Field descriptions

  • Data usage – Total data usage for this SIM’s billing period
  • Included data – The amount of data included in the SIM's current data plan, and the data usage limit if set.
  • Outbound SMS limit – The SIM's current outbound SMS limit.
  • Billing period – The SIM's current billing period in which it is billed for data usage. This is every 30 days for prepaid organizations, and monthly or postpaid organizations.

SIMs configured with pre-deployment testing use data over their testing period and automatically activate after their testing period ends, using 100 KB of data, or sending 10 outbound SMS messages, whichever comes first.

Field descriptions

  • Data usage – Lifetime test data usage for this SIM, and the threshold of data usage at which it will automatically activate.
  • Included data – The SIM's current data usage against the free 100 KB it can use before activating.
  • Outbound SMS limit – Total number of outbound SMS the SIM can use before activating.
  • Target activation date – The date at which the SIM will automatically activate if it has not reached its data or outbound SMS limits.


SIM and device tab

Settings, IDs, and configuration information about a Hologram SIM and any information we have about the device we have last seen it in.

SIM details

A summary of information about the SIM card. Hologram provided information generally displays in the left-hand column, while industry standard information displays in the right-hand column.

Field descriptions

  • Deactivation info – Displays only when the SIM is deactivating or deactivated.
    • Deactivated – UTC time at which the SIM was deactivated.
  • Coverage configuration
    • Coverage type – The type of SIM based on eUICC and fallback availability: "Dual-Core SIM", "Multi-Core SIM", "Single-Core SIM", or "Single-Core UICC SIM"
    • Outage protection – Status of the Fallback applet if available and installed.
    • Installed profiles – Currently installed connectivity profiles able to use data on the SIM. Clicking a profile takes you to the profiles tab.
    • Required APN – APN(s) required to be configured on your device based on the installed profiles
  • Identifying details
    • SIM ID – Displays the SIM ID (hologramSimId)
    • Name – Name given to this SIM
    • SKU – Represents the current configuration of the SIM card’s installed profiles and fallback status. If a different SKU is printed on the physical SIM card, it will display here.
    • eUICCID (EID) – The eUICC SIM’s eUICCID, also known as EID.
  • Activation (and pre-deployment testing) – Displays additional information if the SIM is configured with pre-deployment testing
    • Activation – Date and time in UTC the SIM was activated.
    • Entered testing – Date and time in UTC the SIM entered pre-deployment testing, if applicable.
    • Testing duration – The testing duration a SIM can remain in Preflight before it will automatically activate, if applicable.
    • Target activation date – The date the SIM will automatically activate after ending its testing duration, if applicable.
  • Additional configuration
    • Outbound SMS limit – Outbound SMS limit cap applied to this SIM. All SIMs default to 100 outbound SMS messages.
    • Phone number – Phone number if purchased and available on this SIM
    • Public IP address – The Static IP address assigned to this SIM, if present and saved.

Last known device details

This has all the details about the last known device the SIM was seen in. We specifically separate out this information since SIMs can move between physical devices.

Field descriptions

  • Last known device
    • Device ID – Hologram-assigned ID for your device
    • Last known IMEI – Displays the last known IMEI for the device, if available and provided by a network. Generally not known until a SIM has a session for the first time
    • IMEI TAC – TAC prefix for the IMEI, if available.
    • Modem – Name of the modem, if it can be determined
    • Hardware – Hardware model, if it can be determined.
  • Device communication
    • Device tunneling – Configuration of secure device tunneling using Spacebridge.


Profiles tab

Information about connectivity profiles installed on a multi-core SIM, and a summary of how Outage Protection will work for Hyper SIMs. This page also has information about past fallback events and profile installations.


A summary of the profiles currently installed on a SIM, and their expected connectivity behavior. This card shows you how network fallback functionality will behave on a Hyper SIM when multiple connectivity profiles are installed.

Expanding this card shows additional fields listed below and the profile installation history card.

Field descriptions

  • Fallback banner – For fallback-enabled SIMs, this helps show how a SIM will behave when fallback is disabled.
  • Profile fallback status – These labels let you know which profile is enabled, and whether you can connect to other installed profiles.
  • Profile name – Hologram’s name for the profile, which generally describe carrier partner coverage areas.
  • ICCID – The unique carrier-assigned identifier for the profile.
  • Network status – Status of the current profile, which determines the current SIM status.
  • Installation status – Enabled/disabled status of the profile. The enabled profile is the profile currently able to use data and connect to the internet.
  • Link ID – The unique Hologram identifier for a profile.
  • Required APN – APN that must be set up on your device in order to connect through this profile. If installed profiles have different APNs, additional warnings will display. Read more
  • Created – Date this profile was installed onto this SIM.
  • Profile footer
    • Show/Hide Profile Details button ****Expands and collapses the panel, displaying/hiding the Network Status, Installation Status, Created Date, and Multi-APN warning fields
    • Fallback timer message Describes the fallback behavior of the SIM when it loses connection on the enabled profile, including the fallback timer details

Profile history

A full history of profile installations and removals from a SIM card. This card only displays if the “Show more details” button has been expanded.

Profiles are listed oldest to the left, newest to the right. Each row represents a change to a single profile in the configuration on the SIM card.

Fallback history

A history of fallback events for a SIM. The panel displays all fallback events within the SIM's current billing period. To see more historical fallback events press the Show all fallback events button in the footer to load all available records.

Fallback events can also be found by looking through session history and looking for changes between profile ICCIDs or profile names.

Field descriptions

  • Event – Shows the profile that was changed to.
  • Date and time (UTC) – Date and time in UTC the SIM triggered a fallback.
  • From profile ICCID – The profile that was disabled.
  • To profile ICCID – The profile that was enabled.


Data usage tab

A summary of data usage for the SIM with a date range including recent sessions, and usage by profile, network, and day. This report defaults to showing all data usage in the past 30 days.

Data sessions for date range

This chart displays the most recent 150 sessions within the date range you’ve selected. It’s a helpful way of pinpointing problematic sessions, outliers, or strings of zero-byte sessions when troubleshooting data usage.

Usage by session

Displays all sessions that occurred within the selected date range.

Field descriptions

  • End time (UTC) – Date and time in UTC the data session ended. Data usage reporting at Hologram references this date as when data was “used” and billed.
  • Start time (UTC) – Date and time in UTC the data session started.
  • Duration (seconds) – Duration in seconds the session lasted.
  • Data usage – Total data usage for the session in a readable format.
  • Data usage (bytes) – Total data usage for the session in bytes.
  • Type – Notes sessions, or reporting windows if the carrier returns data to us in timed blocks.
  • Network – Name of the network used to pass data.
  • RAT – Radio access technology used.
  • Country – Country the cellular tower was located within.
  • Tower ID – Cellular tower ID as returned to us by the carrier, if provided.
  • Approximate lat/long – Crowdsourced location of the cellular tower, if provided.
  • Profile ICCID – ICCID of the connectivity profile that was used to connect.
  • Profile name – Name of the profile.
  • SIM ID – ID of the SIM card.
  • IMEI – IMEI of the modem the SIM card connected through, if provided by the carrier and network.
  • Data plan name – Data plan active on the SIM at the time the session closed. If a SIM changed data plans, this helps identify when the change in rates occurred.

Usage by profile/network/day

Find summarized data usage within the selected date for a SIM card by network, profile, or day here. These cards help you understand a SIM’s overall data usage behavior and connectivity changes, and help identify possible device configuration problems from zero-byte sessions.

Field descriptions

  • Data usage for range (MB) – Total data usage for the selected date range in a readable format.
  • Data usage for range (bytes) – Total data usage for the selected date range in a readable format.
  • Productive sessions – Total number of closed sessions in which data was passed through a network.
  • Zero-byte sessions – Total number of sessions in which no data was passed through a network, indicating possible device configuration issues.
  • Outbound SMS – Total number of device-originated SMS messages sent from the SIM that count toward a SIM’s SMS limit.
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