Your dashboard makes it easy to find and act on all the SIMs in your fleet. Open the SIMs section in the main menu to find all the SIMs in your organization, broken down into three views:
- The Active SIMs page opens by default and contains all SIMs that have been activated and are able to use data and connect to the internet.
- The Pre-deployment SIMs page contains all SIMs configured for pre-deployment testing that have not yet been activated, if you have access to Preflight.
- The Deactivated SIMs page is a record of all SIMs that have been permanently deactivated from Hologram’s network. Deactivated SIMs cannot be reactivated.
Use these views of your SIMs to sort, filter, export, and take bulk actions on your entire fleet. The Filters panel on the left helps you narrow down to specific SIMs you need to act on, then select SIMs and use the Manage SIMs button to find all the bulk actions you can take on the SIMs you have selected. Read more about filtering your SIMs and taking bulk actions.
Active SIMs
The default view of your SIMs shows all Hologram SIMs that have been activated, are charged a per-SIM monthly recurring charge for access to our platform and network, and are able to connect to the internet. This includes all Paused and Ready SIMs in a LIVE...
or PAUSED...
network state.
Active SIMs are sorted by Last active date to help find SIMs with recent connections quickly.
Active SIM fields
- Name – Name given to this SIM card.
- SIM status – The status of this SIM, which helps describe its ability to use data. Hover for a detailed description
- Last closed session – Date and time in UTC of the last closed session for the SIM. This is when data is billed and how we calculate data usage.
- Data usage – Data usage for the SIM’s current billing period. For prepaid/self-service billing, data usage is for the SIM’s unique 30-day billing period. For postpaid invoiced billing, data usage is for the current calendar month.
- Enabled profile ICCID – ICCID of the currently enabled profile able to use data. Click to view the SIM’s installed profiles and fallback events.
- Profile name – Name of the enabled profile, which generally describes available carrier coverage.
- Last known IMEI – IMEI of the last known device associated with the SIM, if known and provided by a carrier or network.
SIM ID – Hologram’s unique ID for a SIM card:
- Data plan – Name of the currently active data plan which determine’s a SIM’s coverage and cost.
- Activation date – Date and time in UTC that this SIM was activated and was able to begin using
Pre-deployment SIMs
This page lists all SIMs that have not yet been activated, including all SIMs configured for pre-deployment testing using Preflight. If you do not have access to pre-deployment testing with Preflight, you can learn more about it here. This includes all pre-deployment SIMs in a TEST...
network state.
This table shows the pre-deployment testing configuration of each SIM, its total data usage, and the target activation date at which the SIM will automatically activate if it has not yet used its available test data or SMS messages.
Pre-deployment SIMs can also be manually activated out of preflight if you need to avoid configuration downtime after a device is delivered to your customers for SIMs with a Global-1 profile.
Pre-deployment SIM fields
- Name – Name given to this SIM card.
- SIM status – The status of this SIM, which helps describe its ability to use data. Hover for a detailed description.
- Configuration – Testing configuration for this SIM, including the SIM’s pre-deployment testing duration if applicable.
- Data usage – Lifetime data usage for this SIM. SIMs in pre-deployment testing automatically activate after a session closes in which the SIM used at least 100 KB of data.
- Last closed session – Relative time in UTC of the last closed session for the SIM. This is when data is billed and how we calculate data usage.
- Data plan – Name of the data plan which determine’s this SIM’s coverage, and will determine its cost after the SIM is activated and exits testing.
- Enabled profile ICCID – ICCID of the currently enabled profile able to use data. Click to view the SIM’s installed profiles and fallback events.
- Profile name – Name of the enabled profile, which generally describes available carrier coverage.
- Last known IMEI – IMEI of the last known device associated with the SIM, if known and provided by a carrier or network.
SIM ID – Hologram’s unique ID for a SIM card:
- Activation date – Date and time in UTC that this SIM was activated and was able to begin using data.
Deactivated SIMs
Deactivated SIMs are permanently disabled, removed from Hologram’s network, and are not able to be reactivated. SIMs are most often deactivated when they are no longer needed, a device is lost, destroyed, stolen, or on accident. You may still need to refer to past data usage or configuration information on these SIMs, and can find them here or by searching for them. We sort these SIMs by the most recently deactivated first by default.
Deactivated SIM fields
- Name – Name given to this SIM card.
- Enabled profile ICCID – ICCID of the last enabled profile on the SIM.
- Profile name – Name of the last enabled profile on the SIM.
- Last known IMEI – IMEI of the last known device associated with the SIM, if known and provided by a carrier or network.
SIM ID – Hologram’s unique ID for a SIM card:
- Data plan – Name of the currently active data plan which determine’s a SIM’s coverage and cost.
- Deactivation date (UTC) – Date and time in UTC that this SIM was permanently deactivated from the Hologram Network.
Export SIMs
You can export all your SIMs using the Export SIMs button in the SIMs pages. You can export to XLSX, CSV, or JSON formats, and the exports will honor any filters you have applied or selections you have so that you can export exactly the data you need.
Read more about exporting SIMs 👉
SIM filters
Filters help you find exactly the SIMs you are looking for so that you can take action on them quickly, or export specific sets of SIMs.
The SIM counts above the table show you exactly how many SIMs match your filters and that you have selected. If you have selected multiple devices, your selections will remain even if the SIMs disappear from view.
Available filters
- Tags – Filter SIMs by any tag created in your organization.
- SIM status – Filter by SIM status. Each page shows all possible statuses that could display in that page.
- Last closed session – Filter by the last closed session for each SIM, using a specific timeframe. This defaults to a custom timeframe ending today, or choose a preset range. This filter uses your local time zone so that you don’t have to do extra math to determine time zone differences against UTC, which is used in the Last Active column.
- Enabled profile ICCID – Filter SIMs by the currently enabled profile. ICCIDs are unique to a profile and can change due to fallback events or over-the-air profile updates. The default “Contains” filter will show ICCIDs that match the entered ICCID exactly and is exactly as fast as the “Is” filter.
- Name – Filter by SIM name, using a “contains” search.
- Last known IMEI – Filter by the last known device IMEI for a SIM, if provided by a carrier and network. The default “Contains” filter will show IMEIs that match the entered IMEI exactly and is exactly as fast as the “Is” filter.
- Data plan – Filter by all data plans available to your organization. If you have a contracted account with Hologram, data plans with negotiated rates display at the top of the list.
- Activation date – Filter SIMs by the date the SIM was activated, using a specific timeframe. This filter works identically to the Last active filter.
- Target activation date – Filter pre-deployment SIMs by the date the SIM will be automatically activated out of preflight testing, using a specific timeframe in the future. Other than the time ranges, this filter works identically to the Last active and Activation date filters.
Read more about filtering SIMs 👉
Manage SIMs bulk actions
Use filters and select SIMs in the table to take bulk actions on any number of SIMs using the Manage SIMs menu. The SIMs you have selected will stay selected even if you change filters or navigate away from the page.
Read more about available bulk actions 👉