We are building the new SIMs pages in your dashboard to give you clearer information about how your SIMs connect, use data, and behave in an increasingly complex world of IoT connectivity. The new SIMs pages support our new Multi-Core Hyper SIMs with Outage Protection and make managing and troubleshooting your SIMs across any fleet size simpler.
Please share your feedback
If you have any feedback about these changes, please share your ideas for how to make things better here, but note that we do not respond to any messages send through this form. If you need help or support, please reach out to our support team.
Thank you! Your feedback helps us continue to be the best IoT connectivity partner in the industry.
Why is my SIM's data usage different in the SIMs pages and Devices pages?
Data usage totals display data usage for each SIM’s current billing period and support our Multi-Core SIMs.
- For prepaid, self-service organizations that refill an account balance, data usage is calculated for each SIM's unique 30-day billing period.
- For organizations with monthly invoicing, we show total month-to-date data usage for the SIM.
- For SIMs configured with pre-deployment testing, data usage shows lifetime data usage. SIMs with Preflight will activate automatically after 100 KB of data usage.
The Devices section of your dashboard shows total usage from the SIM's last billing period in which data was passed within the prior 3 months.
A single device page could only account for a single profile. Data usage totals in the new SIM details page correctly calculates data across all profiles, even profiles uninstalled between billing periods.
The SIMs page vs. the Devices page
What's new and improved
- Most bulk actions can be taken on any number of SIMs.
- Enabled profile ICCID, profile name, activation date, and SIM ID columns.
Sorting and filtering will be remembered until you force refresh your dashboard through the browser so that you can keep your filters even when navigating away from the page.
- Scroll position is not saved when leaving the page.
- Last active and Activation date filters now allow for custom date ranges.
- All dates and times are correctly displayed in UTC.
- The Pre-deployment SIMs page now shows the test duration before the SIM will automatically activate.
What's changed
Warning: The Data usage filter has been removed. Data usage reporting and filtering has been moved to the Usage section of your Dashboard.
- Data usage column correctly differentiates prepaid and invoiced account data usage differences.
- Last closed session (UTC) column shows the date and time (UTC) the last data session for this SIM closed. This was renamed for clarity.
- SIM status filter is not currently able to differentiate between Ready and Connected statuses.
SIM status column:
- Resuming and Activating statuses now display as “Pending"
- We are no longer able to distinguish newly activated SIMs that have never used data.
- Filters show all tags, statuses, and data plans in the organization rather than only what's applied to listed SIMs.
What's fixed
- The page is fast and accurate for any number of SIMs.
- Name column correctly sorts as expected, including special characters, emojis, and upper/lower case.
Activation date filter correctly checks activation dates for SIMs configured with pre-deployment testing.
- This used to check the creation date of the SIM, which does not match the activation date for SIMs configured for pre-deployment testing.
A SIM's details page vs. a single device page
The new SIM details page reorganizes information about a Hologram SIM into simpler, related groupings of information under new tabs. Our goal is to provide you with a better understanding of how a SIM should behave, more information about the configuration of a SIM and profiles for troubleshooting, and to support our Hyper SIMs with Outage Protection.
What's new and improved
- The Profiles tab provides much clearer information about profiles installed on a SIM, how they will behave, configuration, and historical records of how they were configured. This is especially helpful for Multi-Core SIMs with 2 or more mobile cores and network fallback.
- Switch profiles using the Manage SIM button to manually to switch between profiles and change carriers on your Hyper SIMs with Outage Protection.
- Fallback history is available on the Profiles tab.
- All available actions you can take on a SIM have been moved to the Manage SIM button in the header.
- Data usage is now summarized for the SIM by profile, network, and day in the Data usage tab.
- Location history including approximate latitude and longitude of the cellular tower displays on every session in the Data usage tab, when available.
- Zero-byte sessions are summarized per profile, network, and day in the Data usage tab and displayed separately from productive sessions in which data was passed.
- IMEI TAC now correctly displays in the SIM and device tab when available.
What's changed
) is our unique ID for a SIM card that is more CSV-friendly than eUICCID (EID). This ID is the new primary identifier for a Hologram SIM, and will eventually be the main ID used in the REST API. - The Data usage tab shows much more detail around your SIM's data usage, including usage by profile and location data when available. The Recent sessions chart in the Data usage tab shows up to 25,000 sessions within the date range selected. This report defaults to the last 30 days of data usage, not the SIM's current billing period.
What's fixed
- Inaccurate location information no longer displays at the session level and hides the map when this information isn't provided by carriers or networks, or isn't available for a specific session.
- SIM statuses will always be in sync with the SIMs page.
- Data usage correctly totals across any number of installed profiles.
What has changed in the Data usage reports?
Four new reports are available in the Data usage section of your dashboard:
- Overview (data usage by day) – A breakdown of data usage by day for every SIM in your organization.
- Data usage by SIM – Data usage for every SIM in your organization, including SIMs with 0 data usage and zero-byte session summaries. Check here first for detailed historical data usage reporting at the SIM level and to assess overall fleet data usage.
- Data usage by SIM and day – Data usage by day for each individual profile using data on SIMs in your organization. This is the best way to troubleshoot profile-level data usage across fleets of SIMs when used with filters.
- Data usage by session – Historical session-level reporting across your fleet, with detailed data usage information, and location history when available.
What's new and improved
- Location history including approximate latitude and longitude of the cellular tower displays on every session in the By session tab, when available.
- Zero-byte sessions are summarized in all reports, and separated from productive sessions in which data was passed.
- More information is provided in every report to make reporting on SIMs and data usage easier whether in your dashboard, or using Excel.
What's changed
- SIMs with 0 data usage display in the Data Usage by SIM report.
What's fixed
- Reports work as expected for any number of SIMs.