What are fallback events for Hyper SIMs with Outage Protection?

Hologram's Hyper SIMs with Outage Protection can switch mobile cores automatically in the case an installed profile loses connectivity, protecting you from downtime and outages. When a SIM switches connectivity profiles automatically, we call this a fallback event.

Note: If you’re interested in contractually guaranteed reliability with Outage Protection for Hyper SIMs, reach out to your Hologram Account Executive or contact our Sales team to learn how you can make outages a thing of the past.

How do I identify fallback events?

Only one connectivity profile ("mobile core") on a SIM can actively use data and connect to networks. When profiles on a SIM change either due to over-the-air eUICC updates or fallback events, the active ICCID changes. You can identify profile changes by looking for ICCID changes between sessions. The enabled profile ICCID listed across pages in your dashboard the ICCID of the profile currently enabled and able to use data.

Identify a fallback event

  1. To find details about installed profiles for your SIM and a full history of fallback events, open a SIM's details page from the SIMs section in the main menu of your dashboard or by searching for the SIM.
  2. Open the Profiles tab. This page displays the profiles installed on the SIM, the currently enabled profile, and a full history of fallback events.

Where can I find a list of all fallback events for a SIM?

  1. Open the SIMs section of your dashboard, and finding and open a single SIM's details page.
  2. Navigate to the Profiles tab where you can see the currently installed profiles on the SIM and information about how your SIM will connect through multiple profiles.
  3. The Fallback history card at the bottom of the page will list all fallback events for the SIM.

Note: This functionality was formerly called "fallback for Dual-Core Capable SIMs". Hologram's Hyper SIMs support fallback natively when two or more profiles are installed, which we now call "Multi-Core".

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