Outage Protection

What is Outage Protection?

Hologram's multi-core SIMs with Outage Protection can switch mobile cores automatically in the case an installed profile loses connectivity, protecting you from downtime and outages. When a SIM switches connectivity profiles automatically, we call this a Outage Protection.


The Outage Protection Service Commitment described below applies only to Customers who have an active contract or Master Service Agreement (MSA) with Hologram explicitly stating that Outage Protection is included. If no such agreement exists, the Outage Protection terms and Service Commitment do not apply.

Multi-Core SIMs

Hologram’s Multi-Core SIMs are SIMs that combine two profiles, providing connectivity via a minimum of two network providers, on a single SIM card with fallback capability enabled.

In the event of a loss of Individual Network Availability (as defined below) of the primary network provider (“Network Provider 1”), a Multi-Core SIM can switch profiles and automatically attempt to connect via the secondary network provider (“Network Provider 2”). All Multi-Core SIMs deployed in the USA are guaranteed access to at least one Tier-1 USA or Canada backup network in that respective country through Network Provider 2.

Outage Protection Service Commitment

Hologram shall use commercially reasonable endeavors to ensure that the Multi-Core SIM service Combined Network Availability, as defined below, is equal to or greater than 99.95% for any given calendar month (the “Service Commitment”) for Multi-Core SIMs that are active, powered, and attempting to connect to a cellular network. In the event of a loss of Individual Network Availability, as defined below, of Network Provider 1, resulting in the modem signaling to the SIM that it has entered a limited service or no service state, and after no more than one hour of the SIM being continuously powered and the modem attempting to connect while in a limited service or no service state, a Multi-Core SIM can switch profiles so that a modem can automatically attempt to connect via Network Provider 2. In the event that Hologram does not meet this Service Commitment, Customer will be eligible to request a Service Credit as described below. For Multi-Core SIMs to switch profiles and operate as expected, a modem must support “proactive polling” and must send “STATUS” events to the SIM that indicate entering and leaving the states of limited service and no service on an interval of once every twenty to thirty seconds, and without interruption of this interval, as described in the 3GPP’s Card Application Toolkit specifications (e.g. ETSI TS 102.221 and ETSI TS 102.223). For the avoidance of doubt, a lack of modem or device support shall not be considered an Outage, as defined below.

For purposes of this Agreement, (1) “Individual Network Availability” shall mean for each network provider (each of Network Provider 1 and Network Provider 2) that the particular network provider allows modems to attach to a tower and establish a PDP context when using the correct/compatible modem configuration and APN configuration for Hologram’s services; (2) “Combined Network Availability” shall mean whether or not a provider (at least one of either of Network Provider 1 or Network Provider 2) allows modems to attach to a tower and establish a PDP context when using the correct/compatible modem configuration and APN configuration for Hologram’s services on those towers for which a SIM is contractually allowed access; and (3) “Outage” shall mean a loss of Combined Network Availability that results in a Combined Network Availability Percentage (as defined below) of less than 99.95%, but shall exclude the percentage of time (no more than one hour) prior to the Multi-Core SIM switching profiles, and a lack of coverage or contractual access to a network shall not be considered an Outage.

Combined Network Availability Percentage

The "Combined Network Availability Percentage" is calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of eligible minutes during the month that the Multi-Core SIMs faced a loss of Combined Network Availability and did not meet the Service Commitment. Combined Network Availability calculation periods are based on full calendar months, commencing at 00:00:00 on the first calendar day of the month to 23:59:59 on the final calendar day of the month. Note that scheduled/planned downtime (such as planned works) and the exclusions set forth in the Multi-Core SIM Service Commitment section and Service SLA Exclusion section, are not considered Outage periods and therefore not subject to the 99.95% availability commitment.

Service Credits

  • A "Service Credit" is a US dollar credit, calculated using the formula set forth below, that will be credited to Customer's Hologram account for assignment towards future Hologram service charges. 

Combined Network Availability Percentage / Service Credit Percentage

Less than 99.95% but equal to or greater than 99.0%:

  • ​Customer  will receive 10% of the monthly bill preceding the Outage as a Service Credit.

Less than 99.0%:

  • ​Customer  will receive 25% of the monthly bill preceding the Outage as a Service Credit.

Hologram will apply any Service Credits only against future payments due for Hologram services from Customers . Service Credits do not entitle Customer to any form of cash refund from Hologram at any time. A Service Credit will only be applicable and issued if the credit amount for the applicable billing monthly billing cycle is greater than one hundred dollars ($100 USD). Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other accounts.


Service Credit Claims

To receive a Service Credit, Customer must submit a claim by sending an email to success@hologram.io. Service Credit requests will only be accepted if they are submitted within thirty (30) calendar days of the claimed incident occurred and must include in the e-mail: the words "Outage Protection Service Credit Request" in the subject line; the dates, incident times and durations of the incidents you are claiming; the affected Hologram devices and service that experienced the disruption; a copy of your service logs and/or screenshots that support or corroborate your claimed service Outage; and any Hologram success e-mails and responses you receive from Hologram regarding the incident in question.

If the Combined Network Availability Percentage of such request is confirmed by Hologram and is less than the Service Commitment, then Hologram will issue the Service Credit to Customer within one (1) billing cycle following the month in which Customer's request was confirmed by Hologram. Customer’s failure to provide the request and other required information outlined above, within the agreed timeframe, will disqualify Customers from receiving a Service Credit.


Service SLA Exclusions

Hologram's Service Commitment, in addition to as set forth above in ‘Outage Protection Service Commitment’, does not apply to any unavailability, suspension or termination of Hologram Cloud Services, or any other Hologram performance issues: (i) that result from a suspension due to breach of contract as outlined in this Agreement; (ii) caused by factors outside Hologram’s reasonable control, including any force majeure event or internet access or related problems beyond the demarcation point of Hologram cloud services; (iii) that result from any actions or inactions of Customers  or any third party; (iv) that result from Customer's 's equipment, software or other technology and/or third party equipment, software or other technology (other than third party equipment within Hologram’s direct control); or (v) that result during normal planned and scheduled maintenance periods as determined by Hologram. Finally, if Combined Network Availability is impacted by factors other than those used in Hologram’s Combined Network Availability Percentage calculation, then Hologram may issue a Service Credit after considering such factors at Hologram’s discretion. Hologram's Service Commitments do not apply. Customers are in breach of this Agreement.

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