SIM states and statuses

Hologram SIMs can be in many different statuses or states based on how they are configured and whether they are able to transmit data. A SIM status helps describe the current status of a SIM’s configuration and its expected ability to transmit data. This status is based on the network state of the currently enabled profile on the SIM card. If you've used the Hologram REST API, this is the state field value. This is used to indicate the state of the SIM with regards to the network.

SIMs in your dashboard are organized by these statuses within the Devices and SIMs pages in the main menu, and in the details page after clicking in to a single Device or SIM.

Where to find SIM statuses

In your dashboard, SIM state appears on the Devices page. You can filter by status using the Filter panel on the left-hand side of the page:


SIM state also appears on Single device page after selecting a device:


SIM state descriptions in the Devices pages

Below are the values possible for state in both the dashboard and the API:

Group Dashboard API Card Status Card Text
Live Ready LIVE Ready Your device is activated and ready for use on our network. We have not yet seen it connect to a local tower or pass data.
Live Ready LIVE Ready Your device is activated and ready for use on our network. It has successfully connected to the internet recently. Everything appears normal with this device.
Live Connected LIVE Connected Your device is currently connected to our network, or has connected recently to our network and has an open data session.
Paused Paused PAUSED-USER Paused This device has been manually paused by you or a team member. While paused, your device will not be able to send or receive data or SMS messages. Monthly access fees for this device still apply while it is paused.
Paused Paused PAUSED-SYS Paused by Data Limit Your data limit of [##] was reached and we have paused your device. While paused, your device will not be able to send or receive data or SMS messages. See here to learn more about managing data limits:
Paused Paused PAUSED-SYS Paused by Billing Issue Your Hologram account is prepaid. When your balance reached zero, we paused this device. While paused, your device will not be able to send or receive data or SMS messages. See here to learn more about adding balance to your account:
Inactive Inactive INACTIVE Inactive Your device is inactive. It is available for activation as part of your SIM inventory.
Configuring Activating LIVE-PENDING Activating We're activating your device on our global network. It should be able to connect with most local carriers within 15 minutes. In rare cases, it may take up to 24 hours for devices to become fully active.
Configuring Resuming LIVE-PENDING Activating A resume command has been sent to local carriers. Your device will be ready for use on our network within 10 minutes.
Configuring Pausing PAUSE-PENDING Pausing A pause command has been sent to local carriers. While paused, your device will not be able to use data or access SMS services.
Configuring Configuring - Configuring We're configuring your SIM card for use on our network.
Deactivated Deactivated DEAD Deactivated This device was deactivated on [DATE STAMP: 12:34:03 UTC]. It can no longer use data or SMS services. Please see this article in our Help Center for more information on deactivated SIMs:

Note: There is no Connected state in the REST API like one can see in the Hologram Dashboard. This is because that information is derived from the lastsession's active parameter.


Where to find SIMs statuses (SIMs pages)

In your dashboard, SIM statuses are listed on the SIMs page views in the SIM status column. You can filter by SIM status using the Filter panel on the left-hand side of the page. Hover over any status in the table for a more detailed description of that status.

Find more detailed information about a SIM status by clicking on a SIM or searching for it to open the SIM details page. SIM status is shown in the page header.

The Status tab status shows more detailed information about the status, and how we interpret that status. SIM statuses are based on the state of the enabled profile, if the SIM has connected through a device, and if a connection has been made to a network via a data session. The state field value is listed under the Profile section of the Status overview.


All SIM statuses and states

Active SIM statuses

SIMs in the following statuses are generally referred to as “Active SIMs” — SIMs that are connected to networks through our carrier partners, are able to use data, and are charged a platform fee.

SIM status Category Network state (API) Status description
Ready Active LIVE This SIM is activated and able to connect to the Hologram network.
Pending Configuring LIVE-PENDING

This SIM is being configured for use on the Hologram network.

(Includes SIMs that are activating for the first time, and SIMs that are resuming data usage from a PAUSED-... state.)

Pausing Configuring PAUSE-PENDING-USER This SIM is being paused by a member of your organization. Once paused, it will not be able to transmit data or SMS services.
Pausing Configuring PAUSE-PENDING-SYS This SIM is being paused due to an insufficient account balance, data usage limit, SMS usage, or another reason. Once paused, it will not be able to transmit data or SMS services.
Paused by user Paused PAUSED-USER This SIM has been manually paused by a member of your organization. While paused, your device will not be able to send or receive data or SMS messages.
Paused by system Paused PAUSED-SYS This SIM has been paused and cannot use data or SMS services. Once resolved, it may take up to 10 minutes to resume activity on the Hologram network. SIMs are often paused by reaching a data usage or SMS limit, or a lack of account balance.

Note: The SIMs pages no longer track open sessions or display “Connected” statuses. This state reflected an assumed open session on the SIM. We are not able to reliably show open sessions for a number of networks. If you have feedback about this feature, please share your feedback with our team here.

Pre-deployment SIM statuses

SIM status Category Network state (API) Status description
Available Inactive INACTIVE This SIM is assigned to your organization, but has not been activated. Activate it at any time to start using data on the Hologram network.
Entering testing Configuring TEST-ACTIVATE-PENDING

This SIM is being configured for pre-deployment testing. Configuration can take up to 15 minutes. Timing varies based on network partner activity.

In testing In testing (Preflight) TEST-ACTIVATE This SIM is in pre-deployment testing. The SIM will auto-activate when your testing period ends, it uses 100 KB of data, or sends 10 SMS messages.

Note: Legacy configuration states that are no longer used for new SIMs include TEST-AUTOACTIVATE-PENDING, TEST-HIBERNATE-PENDING, TEST-AUTOACTIVATE, TEST-HIBERNATE, and INACTIVE-TESTED These states may appear for in some organizations for some older SIMs.

Deactivated SIM statuses

SIM status Category Network state (API) Status description
Deactivating Configuring DEAD-PENDING This SIM is being permanently deactivated. Once deactivated, it will no longer be able to transmit data or SMS services.
Deactivated Deactivated DEAD

This device has been permanently deactivated from use on the Hologram network and cannot be reactivated.

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