View a SIM's data usage

Your dashboard makes it easy to find detailed information about your device's data usage through a Hologram SIM. Data usage for a SIM can be found either on the device page or the SIM page.

Data usage on the SIM page

Most recent data session

Open a SIM's details page to find information about the most recent closed session on the Status tab. The status card on this page shows information for the last closed session as provided by networks, including data usage, timestamps, network, and location information (if available).


Total usage for current billing period

Total data usage for the SIM's current billing period is listed in the header of the page, and in the Usage this billing period card at the bottom of the page. Data usage is summarized as follows:

  • Prepaid, self-service organizations – Data usage for the SIM's unique 30-day billing period, beginning on the date the SIM was activated
  • Organizations with monthly invoicing – Month-to-date data usage
  • SIMs in pre-deployment testing – Lifetime data usage (SIMs in pre-deployment testing activate after using 100 KB of data)

Detailed data usage reporting and session history

Open the Data usage tab to find detailed session-level reporting. Our SIM-level data usage reporting shows summaries of data usage for a SIM by session, by profile, by network, and by day, including data usage, zero-byte sessions, and outbound SMS usage. Data usage reporting is also available across your fleet by visiting the Usage tab in the main menu.

Warning: This report defaults to the last 30 days of data usage for the SIM, not the SIM's current billing period. The SIM's current 30-day billing period renewal date can be found on the Data plan tab on the Device page for this SIM. The blue banner at the top of the page links directly to the Device page.

By default the Usage by session card displays up to 500 results. You can download all matching results by using the three-dot menu in the top right corner of the card, and choosing to export All results.

Data usage on the device page

Navigate to a specific device's page and select the Usage tab. 


Scroll down to the Data Used panel and hit the Inspect button. This will allow you to view a daily breakdown of the device's data and SMS usage.




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