If you run into errors while trying to transfer devices from one organization to another, it means that the data plan active on the selected SIMs is not available in the new organization you are trying to transfer devices to, or you do not have permissions in the new organization you are trying to transfer to.
Data plan mismatch in the new organization
To solve this issue make sure that all SIMs' data plans are available in both the originating organization and the receiving organization. For example, if all SIMs are on the U.S. Only Pay as you Go data plan, both organizations must have access to the U.S. Only Pay as you Go data plan.
Note: If you receive this error please email support@hologram.io or create a support ticket. They will help you resolve the issue.
Activation permission needed in the new organization
To solve this issue, you need Manager or Admin rights in the receiving organization. You will need to reach out to an Admin in the receiving organization to provide you with access. A list of users in the organization you are logged in to can be found by opening the Settings section in the main menu, opening the This organization page (the default page in Settings), then scrolling to the Team card.