Create a Losant Route and Dashboard

Losant is a dashboard and data visualization service that integrates seamlessly with Hologram. In this guide, we'll go over the basics on setting up your Losant account to receive data from Hologram, sending that data from Hologram, and then creating a dashboard with that data.

Limited access functionality
Routes functionality is limited to certain legacy accounts. For more information, please reach out to our sales team.


1. Create a Losant application.

2. Create a Webhook in Losant.

Add a Webhook and give it a name. Leave everything else as is (No verification, Basic Auth empty) and click Create Webhook.

3. Create a Device.

Create a blank device and add the Data Types

4. Create a Cloud Workflow. 

Once you give the workflow a Name and Description you will be taken to the workflow editor where we create a basic Webhook Device State Debug flow.

Clicking on Webhook allows you to choose the Webhook if you have more than one. This is also a good time to copy your Webhook's URL.

Next, we click on Device State and set the value for our attributes.

The JSON data in our Hologram log appears as: {"temp":80.60, "humidity":11.00} So, in Losant, I need to set the temperature value as {{data.body.temp}} and the Humidity value as {{data.body.humidity}}

Next we click on the Deploy Workflow button on the top right.


5. Create a Losant Webhook route in the Hologram Dashboard.

Now we move on to the Hologram Dashboard and create a new route by clicking on the routes section on the left hand navigation pane and selecting New Route.

On the Create new route page enter the Route Nickname, the topic that you want to trigger the route (I just chose the device as the Topic), and choose the Losant Webhook action.

Selecting the Losant Webhook will cause the action menu to change into the route's settings. Here you will want to paste the Key portion of the URL*XXXXXXXXXXXX* 

Next, let's simulate a message from our Dashboard. On the left hand navigation panel, click on Devices and select the device you created a route for. From the Messaging section, select Simulate from device and enter the data you wish to send and hit Simulate message.


6. Create the Visuals on Losant.

Switch over to Losant to see if we got the message. Click on the debug menu. We see that our message went through!

The last step is to add our data to a Dashboard. Click on the Dashboards menu and create a new Dashboard. Like before, you will want to give it a name, and description and select the Create Dashboard button.

Next, select a block. Let's choose the Time Series Graph.

This will take us to the settings menu where we can configure the block. Set the Header Text. Choose the application we made in the previous steps. Choose Data Type. We want this to show the change in temperature and humidity, we opted for historical. Next, set duration of the data to match up to how much historical data you want to view as well as how often your device is messaging the Hologram Cloud. For data, choose the device you created, set the desired attribute, and modify the aesthetics. Hitting the Add Segment block will allow you to graph more data on the same block. To finish, click on the button.


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